It has come to our attention that some Ebay sellers are using our name and pictures to scam buyers. If you find any auction with our name or pictures of our coins and doubt their authenticity, please do not hesitate to contact us. In any case, let you know that we do not sell our items through other sellers or names, nor we grant anyone else permission to use our name. At the moment, the only account we occasionally use to auction items on Ebay is silveragecoinscom.
We also take this opportunity to apologize to any affected customer for the delays in some shipments along the last month. Apart from taking a week off –the first one in 4 years-, we have also been working only on a part time basis; which is also the case of our local post office. From the 16th of September we will return to full time –as well as our post office- and keep our compromise of sending every shipment on the next working day after the reception of the payment.
Thank you for your patience and your understanding.