Saturday, 24 October 2015

Changes to our P&P and new eBay affiliate marketing links

Today we have adjusted the Post and Packaging charges to the current exchange rates for US Dollars and British Pounds; which has resulted in cheaper shipments on both currencies due to the current low price of the Euro.

We have also removed the maximum limit for orders to countries that do not accept insured mail (e.g. United States, Great Britain, Australia), which from now on do not need to pay for insured parcels or multiple shipments. From today we will be responsible for the insurance of these shipments while keeping all our guarantees intact.

And last, you may have notice that we have added on the detail pages of every coin links to eBay. These links belong to eBay’s affiliate marketing program, or ePN (eBay Partner Network), which will be paying us a small percentage of every sale generated through these links. If by any chance the coins you are looking for are not available in our stock, please use these links and you’ll be helping us continue to provide our services; as well as finding a seller with the coin you wish to purchase.

If you have any problems or questions regarding the new features or changes, please let us know and we will try to solve them as soon as possible.

Sunday, 3 May 2015

New Mobile Version

Since the 21 of April Google began expanding its use of mobile-friendliness, which will influences the ranking of all websites in the internet. For this reason we have decided that this would be the perfect time to implement our new Mobile Version of, which we have been developing over the last months.

We tried to keep all the features and functions of the Full Desktop Version in the new one; however, even though you can still see the price ranges at the bottom of every details page, for now we had to leave out the Price Guide; at least until we can find a way to fit the full price tables in the small confinement of mobile device screens without failing any mobile-friendly tests, which would defeat the purpose of having this new version. Since the price guide is not accessible, you may also find some difficulty finding coins and particular issues that are currently unavailable for sale; though we expect to find a solution to this problem in short. In the mean time, to tackle these inconveniences, you can continue to use these features as before in our Full Desktop Version from any mobile device or tablet.

We really hope you like our new Mobile Version, but in case you don’t, your preferences would be saved in your browser and you will be automatically redirected to our full Desktop Version as before every time you access our website. You can also change between versions with ease, for which we have placed links at the end of every page of the Mobile Version and on the Main Menu, and a link on the submenu of the Desktop Version that is visible from any page in the “version” section –next to the English / Spanish buttons-. Of course, none of these will be available to users with laptop or desktop computers, only mobile devices will have access to this new version.

Finally, we would like to apologise beforehand for any possible bugs you might encounter and would appreciate if you let us know about them so we can deal with them as soon as possible. And we would also really like to hear from you any comments or suggestions you may have.